eBook: North Face (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Matt Dickinson 
系列: The Everest Files
分類: Climbing & mountaineering ,
Adventure stories (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 24998717

售價: $65.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Vertebrate Publishing
出版日期: 2016/03/10
頁數: 300
ISBN: 9781910240472
>> 相關實體書

The Everest Files story continues in 'North Face' ... Ryan Hart is an 18-year-old adventurer on a mission. To get himself to Mount Everest and check out the truth about the world's highest peak. Friends have told him dark stories about the mountain, outrageous things that he wants to see for himself. Just a few hours after Ryan arrives at Everest Base Camp a lethal earthquake strikes. Avalanches pound the glacier, burying Ryan's climbing buddy and killing many others. A desperate rescue saves Ryan's friend, but only after a local Tibetan girl -Tashi - helps with the search. Stress levels are running high among the climbing teams. The mountain is shut for the season because it is judged too dangerous. Then a flashlight reveals a clue. Someone is alive, high on Everest's treacherous north face!Tashi is convinced it is her 15-year-old brother. Ryan is prepared to risk everything to help. Storm clouds gather as they set out on their illegal climb, a do-or-die mission which the local militia will do anything to stop.
The Everest Files

eBook: Killer Storm: A terror attack at Everest Base Camp. Ryan and his friends are taken hostage. The scene is set for the ultimate Everest adventure

eBook: North Face (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Everest Files (DRM EPUB)

Matt Dickinson 作者作品表


eBook: 1999: Manchester United, the Treble and All That (DRM EPUB)

1999: The Treble and All That (Hardcover)

1999: The Treble and All That (Export/Airside) (Paperback)

Flare Up: Can Jason keep out of danger? Or will his world explode around him? (Paperback)

Popcorn-Eating Squirrels Go Nuts with the Dinosaurs (Paperback)

Popcorn-Eating Squirrels Go Nuts on Everest (Paperback)

Popcorn-Eating Squirrels of the World Unite! (Paperback)

Killer Storm (Paperback)

eBook: Lie Kill Walk Away: From the author of The Everest Files and Mortal Chaos (DRM EPUB)

Lie Kill Walk Away (Paperback)

eBook: North Face (DRM EPUB)

North Face (Paperback)

Bobby Moore (Paperback)

Project X Alien Adventures: Dark Red Book Band, Oxford Level 18: Out of the Flames (Paperback)

Project X Alien Adventures: Dark Red + Book Band, Oxford Level 19: The Wastelanders (Paperback)

eBook: Bobby Moore: The Man in Full (DRM EPUB)

Bobby Moore: The Man in Full

Everest Files (Paperback)

eBook: Everest Files (DRM EPUB)

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