eBook: Complete HOOD: Seasons 1-3 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Lilith Saintcrow 
系列: Hood
分類: Space opera  
書城編號: 25005323

售價: $119.00

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製造商: PublishDrive
出版日期: 2022/01/25
頁數: 893
ISBN: 9781950447206
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Anglene is smoldering. The galactic insurrection is supposed to be crushed. Robbhan Locke, a Second Echelon soldier, has returned to his birth planet along with other veterans, finding Sharl Notheim holding all of Sagittarius in his mailed fist for Parl Jun the Regent.There's no redemption in homecoming. Even Marah Madn and Ged Gizabn, Robb's childhood friends, have been forced into accommodation. The Sharl won't stop squeezing until he's made maximum profit for his royal patron-and covered up all their wartime indiscretions.If the Gran Parl Riccar can be found, he could save all of Anglene. In the meantime, Robb, Marah, and their friends are going to have to do it themselves. If they survive.The war is over, but "peace" is a relative term...

eBook: Complete HOOD: Seasons 1-3 (DRM EPUB)

Lilith Saintcrow 作者作品表

The Fall of Waterstone (Paperback)

The Fall of Waterstone (Hardcover)

A Flame in the North (Paperback)

Sons of Ymre (Paperback)

eBook: Salt-Black Tree: Book Two of the Dead God's Heart Duology (DRM EPUB)

The Salt-Black Tree (Paperback)

The Salt-Black Tree (Hardcover)

eBook: Spring's Arcana (DRM EPUB)

Spring's Arcana (Hardcover)

Spring's Arcana (Paperback)

eBook: She-Wolf and Cub (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Rattlesnake Wind (DRM EPUB)

Duty (Paperback)

eBook: Complete HOOD: Seasons 1-3 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Moon's Knight: A Tale of the Underdark (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Agent Gemini (Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense) (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Agent Zero (Mills & Boon Romantic Suspense) (DRM EPUB)

The Ripper Affair: Bannon and Clare: Book Three (Paperback)

The Red Plague Affair: Bannon and Clare: Book Two (Paperback)

Jill Kismet (Hardcover)

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