Virtuous Heritage:Xu Family of Guangzhou: Mandarins, Revolutionaries, Educators and Scientists 高風世承: 廣州許氏家族
作者: 丁新豹 
書城編號: 250198

原價: HK$380.00
現售: HK$361 節省: HK$19

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出版社: 大學美術博物館
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ISBN: 9789881902146


As part of the celebrations to commemorate the centenary of the 1911 Revolution and the 100th anniversary of The University of Hong Kong, an exhibition is held at the University Museum and Art Gallery to trace the development of China in the past two centuries through the legacies of the Xu Family in Southern China.

Beginning from the late Qing period, through the Republican era to the present, members of the Xu Family served in multiple capacities that made them influential in charting the destiny of the Chinese nation. They include Qing mandarins; Chinese diplomatic corps; revolutionary military commanders; a martyr general; celebrated poets; wives of a literary giant and outstanding scientist. In addition, there are important educators and pioneering engineers through the successive episodes of the Opium War, the Taiping Rebellion, the Reform Movement of 1898, late-Qing Constitutional Monarchy, 1911 Revolution, Sino-Japanese War, up to the formation of New China.

This fully-illustrated publication accompanying the exhibition focuses on the saga of the Xu (Hui) family.



丁新豹 作者作品表


香江有幸埋忠骨:長眠香港與辛亥革命有關的人 物(增訂版)



香港歷史散步 (增訂版)

Virtuous Heritage:Xu Family of Guangzhou: Mandarins, Revolutionaries, Educators and Scientists 高風世承: 廣州許氏家族

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