eBook: Psychology of Foreign Policy (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Christer Pursiainen, Tuomas Forsberg 
系列: Palgrave Studies in Political Psychology
分類: Psychology ,
International relations  
書城編號: 25075338

售價: $1424.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2021/10/16
ISBN: 9783030798871
>> 相關實體書

This book focuses on foreign policy decision-making from the viewpoint of psychology. Psychology is always present in human decision-making, constituted by its structural determinants but also playing its own agency-level constitutive and causal roles, and therefore it should be taken into account in any analysis of foreign policy decisions. The book analyses a wide variety of prominent psychological approaches, such as bounded rationality, prospect theory, belief systems, cognitive biases, emotions, personality theories and trust to the study of foreign policy, identifying their achievements and added value as well as their limitations from a comparative perspective. Understanding how leaders in world politics act requires us to consider recent advances in neuroscience, psychology and behavioral economics. As a whole, the book aims at better integrating various psychological theories into the study of international relations and foreign policy analysis, as partial explanations themselves but also as facets of more comprehensive theories. It also discusses practical lessons that the psychological approaches offer since ignoring psychology can be costly: decision-makers need to be able reflect on their own decision-making process as well as the perspectives of the others. Paying attention to the psychological factors in international relations is necessary for better understanding the microfoundations upon  which such agency is based.
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Christer Pursiainen 作者作品表

The Psychology of Foreign Policy (2021) (Paperback)

Crisis Management Cycle (Paperback)

eBook: Crisis Management Cycle (DRM PDF)

The Crisis Management Cycle (Hardcover)

eBook: Russian Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Russian Foreign Policy and International Relations Theory (DRM PDF)

Tuomas Forsberg 作者作品表

European Union and Russia (Paperback)

CONTESTED TERRITORY - Border Disputes at the Edge of the Former Soviet Empire (Hardcover)

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