eBook: Regional and Global Multinationals: An Examination of Theory and Empirical Evidence from European MNEs (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Christoph Czychon 
系列: mir-Edition
分類: International business ,
Management & management techniques ,
書城編號: 25097683

售價: $1294.00

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製造商: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
出版日期: 2021/06/29
ISBN: 9783658337377
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Based on their ability to facilitate interdependencies across the borders of national and regional markets, multinationals enterprises (MNEs) act as the key drivers of world trade and investment activities. While recent global challenges additionally highlight the need to explain and assess the status and progress of internationality/-regionality, previous research renders the concept of firm-level globalization as a special but not the general case. Christoph Czychon dedicates specific attention to the research on regional and global MNEs based on an extensive and rigorous review of the existing academic literature as well as the analysis of 2005-2015 empirical data from the European context with a focus on CAC40- and DAX30-listed firms. In doing so, the author offers insights and results that stand in contrast to the original narrative of the debate and presents a comprehensive and updated perspective on regional and global MNEs.

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Christoph Czychon 作者作品表

eBook: Regional and Global Multinationals: An Examination of Theory and Empirical Evidence from European MNEs (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Regional and Global Multinationals: An Examination of Theory and Empirical Evidence from European MNEs (DRM PDF)

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