eBook: 3D Printing | 66 DIY-Projects: 66 awesome projects to realize with a 3D printer For Beginners & Advanced! (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: M.Eng. Johannes Wild 
分類: Other manufacturing technologies ,
Hobbies ,
Model railways ,
Toys: making & decorating  
書城編號: 25120206

售價: $87.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: PublishDrive
出版日期: 2021/10/26
頁數: 178
ISBN: 9783949804038
>> 相關實體書

This book offers you no less than 66 different projects that you can realize using a 3D printer. This book presents models from different categories, such as "Useful & Practical", "Household", "Toys", "Art", and so on. All objects are selected in such a way that they usually offer a helpful function or an actual use once they have been printed.In addition to inspiration about the fascinating possibilities of 3D printing and suggestions for your own projects, this book also gives you individual and valuable tips on the slicing process of the respective objects. The items are divided into different levels of difficulty. You will find very simple projects, such as a simple snap hook, up to quite complex objects, such as a fully functional, mechanical and 3D printed wall clock! Therefore the book is suitable for both beginners and advanced practitioners. You don't even have to design the respective models first, you can download them (of course free of charge) online and thus get started immediately.The author of the book is an enthusiastic 3D printing practitioner and engineer (M.Eng.). He guides you professionally without using much technical jargon. After a short introduction about how to use this book, the projects are described and slicing tips are given.More than 100 illustrations complete the content of this book and will inspire you to print many awesome projects! This book is generally intended for all people interested in 3D printing. No matter whether only for information purposes about the possibilities of 3D printing or for actual application and realization of some projects. All proceedings are explained in detail. Approx. 180 pages.
M.Eng. Johannes Wild 作者作品表

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