eBook: FDTD Analysis of Guided Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Time-Modulated Dielectric Medium (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Debdeep Sarkar 
系列: SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineer
分類: Optical physics ,
Electronics engineering ,
Electronic devices & materials ,
Communications engineering / telecommunications  
書城編號: 25161130

售價: $585.00

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製造商: Springer Nature Singapore
出版日期: 2022/04/22
ISBN: 9789811916304
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This book presents a detailed analytical and computational electromagnetic (CEM) treatment of guided electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in independently time-varying dielectric medium, using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation technique. The contents provide an extensive literature review, explaining the importance of time-varying media (temporal photonic crystals) in new  exotic applications that involve rich EM phenomena such as parametric amplification, frequency conversion, non-reciprocal gain, electromagnetic energy accumulation, temporal coating and temporal  aiming  (beam-forming).  A  one-dimensional  (1D) FDTD simulation paradigm is then formulated in this book, starting from Maxwell's equations and boundary  conditions.  The  issues  of  hard/soft  source  realizations,  perfectly matched layers  (PMLs),  choice  of  simulation  parameters  (cell-size  and  time-stepping)  are  thoroughly explained  through  new  visualization  tools. This book provides a unique combination of rigorous analytical  techniques, several FDTD simulation examples with reproducible  source-codes, and new visualization/post-processing mechanisms.  The contents of this book should prove to be useful for students, research scholars, scientists and engineers, working in the field of applied electromagnetics, and aiming to design cutting-edge microwave/optical devices based on time-varying medium.
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Debdeep Sarkar 作者作品表

eBook: FDTD Analysis of Guided Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Time-Modulated Dielectric Medium (DRM PDF)

eBook: FDTD Analysis of Guided Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Time-Modulated Dielectric Medium (DRM EPUB)

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