Where Are They Buried? (2023 Revised and Updated): How Did They Die? Fitting Ends and Final Resting Places of the Famous, Infamous, and Noteworthy (Pa
作者: Tod Benoit 
分類: Biography: arts & entertainment ,
Biography: historical, political & military ,
Museum, historic sites, gallery & art guides  
書城編號: 25188734

原價: HK$200.00
現售: HK$190 節省: HK$10

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出版社: Black Dog & Leventhal
出版日期: 2023/04/25
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9780762482191


This bestselling guide to the lives, deaths, and final resting places of our most enduring cultural icons has been revised and updated to include celebrities like Betty White, Alex Trebek, and many more.

Where Are They Buried? has directed legions of fervent fans and multitudes of the morbidly curious to the graves, monuments, and tombstones of the more than 500 celebrities and antiheroes included in the book.

The most comprehensive guide on the subject by far, every entry features an entertaining capsule biography full of little-known facts, a detailed description of the death, and step-by-step directions to the grave, including not only the name of the cemetery but the exact location of the gravesite and how to reach it. The book also provides a handy index of grave locations organized by state, province, and country to make planning a grave-hopping road trip easy and efficient.

The 2023 edition adds 8 new entries including Kobe Bryant, Eddie Van Halen, and Regis Philbin.

Tod Benoit 作者作品表

Where are They Buried? (Hardcover)

Where are They Buried? (Paperback)

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