Aproximaciones al estudio del espanol como lengua de herencia reune diversas perspectivas sobre el estudio del espanol como lengua de herencia en el contexto de los Estados Unidos. El volumen presenta una amplia gama de enfoques linguisticos, modelos pedagogicos e innovaciones programaticas. Dirigido a investigadores noveles y experimentados, al igual que a estudiantes y profesionales de la ensenanza, es un volumen ideal para aquellas personas que desean actualizar sus conocimientos del campo y obtener una perspectiva panoramica sobre la investigacion y la ensenanza del espanol como lengua de herencia.Caractersticas principales:temas que incluyen, entre otros, la fonologa/la fontica, la morfosintaxis, la pragmtica, la enseanza mediante el enfoque por tareas, la literacidad mltiple, el translenguar, los programas de community college, el espaol para fines especficos y la investigacin-accin;contenidos tericos, empricos y pragmticos relevantes para la enseanza del espaol como lengua de herencia;descripciones y ejemplos que facilitan la adquisicin de conocimientos sobre la materia;diferentes secciones que permiten la flexibilidad en cuanto al orden de lectura del volumen;preguntas de reflexin al final de cada captulo para facilitar la comprensin de los temas presentados.Escrito de manera clara y accesible, Aproximaciones al estudio del espaol como lengua de herencia es un recurso indispensable para cursos de grado y posgrado en espaol sobre el espaol como lengua de herencia. Aproximaciones al estudio del espaol como lengua de herencia brings together a number of diverse scholarly voices and perspectives on the study of Spanish as a heritage language with a focus on the United States context. The volume presents a comprehensive view of this growing and dynamic field with the latest on linguistic approaches, pedagogical models, and programmatic innovations. Directed to beginning and seasoned researchers as well as to students and practitioners who wish to update their knowledge of the field and gain a fresh perspective on different approaches to researching and teaching Spanish heritage bilinguals. Written in Spanish for a wider audience in the Spanish-speaking world and for the teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses in Spanish. Key features:A broad range of topics including phonology/phonetics, morphosyntax, pragmatics, task-based language teaching, multiliteracy, translanguaging, community college programs, Spanish for specific purposes and action research among others;Clear overviews of theoretical, empirical and pragmatic issues relevant to the teaching of Spanish as a heritage language; Every chapter builds on specific core questions central to current understandings of research and practice;Concise descriptions and examples throughout provide readers with the tools they need to understand the subject matter;Organized into three sections that allows for flexibility regarding reading order; A section of reflection questions at the end of each chapter to help readers gain a deeper understanding of the issues at stake.Written in clear and accessible Spanish, Aproximaciones al estudio del espaol como lengua de herencia is a critical resource for those interested in understanding Spanish heritage speakers' multifaceted linguistic experience in tandem with providing a meaningful educational experience that supports their personal, professional, and learning goals.