eBook: War and the Gospel (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jean Lasserre 
分類: Christianity ,
Christian theology ,
Christian social thought & activity  
書城編號: 25229520

售價: $351.00

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製造商: The Lutterworth Press
出版日期: 2022/07/28
頁數: 252
ISBN: 9780718847531
>> 相關實體書

There could hardly be a more topical book than this for the committed Christian. War and the Gospel does not pose a new problem. The problem is as old as the Christian faith, but it has assumed a greater urgency in our own time. Can a Christian conscientiously take part in modern war, a war that would undoubtedly result in the annihilation of tens of thousands of innocent persons? There have been numerous books and propaganda pamphlets issued on this subject, most of them utopian or idealistic rather than Biblical in viewpoint. It is the Biblical realism of this book that makes it such a deep and prophetic contribution to the subject. "Christian theology should start from the Scriptures, not from preconceived ideas", writes the author, and he adheres firmly to that standpoint throughout. The clarity of the author's exposition, the pertinence of his analysis, the vigour of his convictions and the firmness of his testimony make War and the Gospel a very important contribution to the most urgent question of our time.
Jean Lasserre 作者作品表

eBook: War and the Gospel (DRM PDF)

eBook: Les chrétiens et la violence (DRM EPUB)

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