eBook: Wild Once: Awaken the magic within. Unleash true power (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Vivianne Crowley 
分類: Memoirs ,
Occult studies ,
Feminism & feminist theory ,
Folklore, myths & legends ,
Mind, Body, Spirit  
書城編號: 25239128

售價: $143.00

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製造商: Cornerstone
出版日期: 2022/03/10
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781529156522
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What secret power is hiding within you?There is an untamed wildness within each of us. Once found and nurtured, this wild power can lead to true and boundless freedom, creativity and purpose, and discovery of your deepest inner wisdom.Witch, high priestess, doctor of psychology: Vivianne Crowley has been given many labels over the years. Wild Once is the extraordinary and inspiring tale of a life lived magically, of adventures into the unknown and of finding spiritual nourishment through reconnection with the natural world. It shows what can happen when you have the courage to step into the unexplainable and live untamed.It is also an evocative, intricate account of a hidden world, a rich tour of modern magical practices, from meditation to manifestation, shamanism to spellwork. Magic is waiting to be discovered. It is here, just beneath the surface, if only you know where to look...We all have wild magic within us; this book will inspire you to find it.___________________PRAISE FOR WILD ONCE'Utterly contemporary, yet drawing on ancient wisdom' - Philip Carr-Gomm, author of The Prophecies and DruidCraft: The Magic of Wicca & Druidry'A memoir of beautifully told tales about her magical and well-lived life that will awaken the magic within and guide you to the enchanted adventure that awaits' - Phyllis Curott, Priestess of Ara, author of The Witches' Wisdom Tarot'The best book on the experience of magic that I have ever read' - Ronald Hutton, author of The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles'Heartfelt and often beautiful ... Witches, look no further! This is the guide you need' - Diane Purkiss 'Wonderfully inspirational and highly practical - if you have ever wondered what it's like to be a witch in Real Life, just read this book!' - Rodney Orpheus, author of Abrahadabra and founding member of The Cassandra Complex
Vivianne Crowley 作者作品表

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Wild Once (Paperback)

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