eBook: Halo: The Official Cookbook (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Victoria Rosenthal 
系列: Gaming
書城編號: 25242256

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Insight Editions
出版日期: 2022/08/16
頁數: 192
ISBN: 9781647227319
>> 相關實體書

Travel through the otherworldly culinary adventures of the Halo universe!They say an army marches on its stomach, and the UNSC is no exception! Learn to make awesome appetizers, sumptuous snacks, decadent desserts, and main dishes to fuel even the hungriest of Spartans on the longest of missions. With step-by-step instructions and beautiful photography, this book gives you everything you need to go from Master Chief to Master Chef. OVER 70 RECIPES FOR EVERY OCCASION: From portable snacks you can take with you in the Warthog to decadent spreads to feed the entire squadron, this book contains recipes to satisfy every UNSC member and beyond! PERFECT FOR COOKS OF EVERY SKILL LEVEL: With step-by step directions and beautiful photos, learn to make foods inspired by the iconic Halo universewhether you're an experienced cook or a raw recruit, this book gives you the intel you need to complete your culinary mission. INSPIRING PHOTOGRAPHY: Gorgeous photos of finished recipes help ensure success. A STUNNING ADDITION TO YOUR COLLECTION: This exquisitely detailed hardcover book is the perfect acquisition for your kitchen librarya must have for every Halo fan.

eBook: Official Horizon Cookbook: Tastes of the Seven Tribes (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ultimate Gamers Cookbook: Recipes for an Epic Game Night (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Halo: The Official Cookbook (DRM EPUB)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Tarot Deck and Guidebook (Mixed media product)

eBook: Ultimate Final Fantasy XIV Cookbook: The Essential Culinarian Guide to Hydaelyn (DRM EPUB)

Victoria Rosenthal 作者作品表

The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook Vol. 2 (Hardcover)

My Pokemon Cooking Collection (Paperback)

The Official Horizon Cookbook: Tastes of the Seven Tribes (Hardcover)

eBook: My Pokemon Cookbook: Delicious Recipes Inspired by Pikachu and Friends (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Halo: The Official Cookbook (DRM EPUB)

The Official Halo Cookbook (Hardcover)

eBook: Ultimate Final Fantasy XIV Cookbook: The Essential Culinarian Guide to Hydaelyn (DRM EPUB)

Final Fantasy XIV: The Official Cookbook (Hardcover)

Destiny: The Official Cookbook (Hardcover)

Fallout: The Vault Dweller's Official Cookbook (Hardcover)

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