eBook: Identity Transformation and Politicization in Africa: Shifting Mobilization (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Toyin Falola, Celine A. Jacquemin, Tolulope Adeogun, Victor Adesiyan, Bamidele Aly, Patricia Ogugua  
系列: Africa: Past, Present & Prospects
分類: Sociology ,
Politics & government ,
書城編號: 25243463

售價: $390.00

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製造商: Lexington Books
出版日期: 2022/09/15
頁數: 334
ISBN: 9781666917932
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Identity Transformation and Politicization in Africa: Shifting Mobilization, edited by Toyin Falola and Celine A. Jacquemin, questions whether identity is providing and sustaining power for elites, or fueling oppression and conflicts, being mobilized for exclusionary movements versus inclusive societal changes, or educating in ways that foster progress and development. Do aspects of African identities and the challenges they present also hold prospects for more inclusive and peaceful democratic and representative futures? The contributors cover a wide spectrum of expertise on different African countries (Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Rwanda, Morocco, and Libya). They come from diverse disciplines (History, Political Science, Public Administration, Philosophy, Economics and Finance, Cultural Studies, Music, and International Relations), and use various methods and approaches in their research. Some contributors belong to the groups whose identity is being scrutinized and are participants in the efforts to politicize and mobilize, while others remain outside observers, who share some traits or interests with the African identities examined and provide different kinds of insights. Several chapters explore how innovative pedagogical projects studying African history and identityfacilitated by the internet and new social mediatransform and connect with the African continent. Each author provides important insights on how mobilization around identity issues has been shifting with the internet and social media.
Africa: Past, Present & Prospects

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Toyin Falola 作者作品表

Daily Life in Postcolonial Africa (Hardcover)

African Memoirs and Cultural Representations: Narrating Traditions (Paperback)

Transformations in History: African Societies and Economies in the Works of Paul Lovejoy (Hardcover)

Understanding Colonial Nigeria: British Rule and Its Impact (Hardcover)

Understanding Colonial Nigeria: British Rule and Its Impact (Paperback)

Chinua Achebe: Narrating Africa in Fictions and History (Hardcover)

Chinua Achebe: Narrating Africa in Fictions and History (Paperback)

eBook: Transformations in History: African Societies and Economies in The Works of Paul Lovejoy (DRM EPUB)

Global Yorùbá: Regional and Diasporic Networks (Hardcover)

eBook: Milestones in African Literature (DRM PDF)

eBook: Milestones in African Literature (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Writing the History of the African Diaspora (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Decolonizing African History (DRM PDF)

Decolonizing African History (Paperback)

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A History of West Africa (Paperback)

A History of West Africa (Hardcover)

Africa in Global History: A Handbook (Paperback)

eBook: Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni and African Decolonial Studies (DRM EPUB)

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