eBook: Exercise Metabolism (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Glenn McConell 
系列: Physiology in Health and Disease
分類: Physiology ,
Biochemistry ,
Sports & outdoor recreation  
書城編號: 25252233

售價: $2074.00

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製造商: Springer International Publishing
出版日期: 2022/07/18
ISBN: 9783030943059
>> 相關實體書

In this Edited Volume, a diverse group of exercise metabolism experts, assembled a multi-facetted collection of fascinating contributions. The chapters focus on metabolism during exercise, including anaerobic and aerobic metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism (separate chapters on muscle glycogen and blood glucose), fat metabolism (separate chapters on muscle and adipose tissue) and protein metabolism. Readers will find discussion on various tissues in addition to skeletal muscle, such as liver, heart and brain metabolism during exercise. In addition, the book includes chapters on other perspectives such as thermodynamic and bioenergetic aspects of exercise and a dive into history. Another focal point is on the effects of exercise in relation to training, age, sex, fatigue and the circadian rhythm.This contemporary collection will be an essential resource for Physiologists, Sports Scientists, Coaches, Athletes and students alike. 
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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Glenn McConell 作者作品表

Exercise Metabolism (2022) (Paperback)

eBook: Exercise Metabolism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Exercise Metabolism (DRM EPUB)

Exercise Metabolism (2022) (Hardcover)

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