OneSelf: Have faith. In yourself. (Paperback)
作者: Mark Bradford 
書城編號: 25502226

售價: $100.00

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出版社: Alchemy
出版日期: 2019/02/02
重量: 0.21 kg
ISBN: 9781733662208

Have faith. In yourself. Is there a higher self? As there a part of us that exists somewhere else? Are we the lower, physical portion of something more? Mark Bradford explores these questions candidly, and what that means if true. As arguably the deepest and most profound of subjects, one must tread lightly. I have no idea how many books are written in modern times that introduce a "new religion." This is not a book about vibrations, or crystals, or potions. This is also not a book about something that happened thousands of years ago, or writings that were found on a scroll or a tablet or a cave wall. This is instead a book about a hypothetical concept - one that if is correct will correct in spite of or regardless of your awareness or belief in it.
Mark Bradford 作者作品表

Mark Bradford: Process Collettivo (Paperback)

The Devil's in the Details: The greatest trick wasn't convincing you that he doesn't exist. (Paperback)

The Space Between: The disruptive seasons we want to hide from, and why we need them (Paperback)

The Sword and the Sunflower (Fantasy Post-Dy) (Paperback)

OneSelf: Have faith. In yourself. (Paperback)

Encountering the Risen Christ (Paperback)

eBook: Nice Girls Finish First: The Remarkable Story of Notre Dame's Rise to the Top of Women's College Basketball (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Nice Girls Finish First: The Remarkable Story of Notre Dame's Rise to the Top of Women's College Basketball (DRM PDF)

eBook: Devil's in the Details (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Sword and the Sunflower (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Amira (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Upside Down (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Three Voices (DRM EPUB)

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