Alien Worlds: Color Cosmic Kingdoms (Paperback)
作者: Kerby Rosanes 
書城編號: 25506527

原價: HK$175.00
現售: HK$166.25 節省: HK$8.75

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出版社: Plume
出版日期: 2023/03/28
重量: 0.52 kg
ISBN: 9780593472101

From the internationally bestselling artist Kerby Rosanes, this essential coloring book includes ninety-six double-sided pages of pure imagination and is the latest entry in Kerby's astounding Worlds series.

Illustrator extraordinaire Kerby Rosanes is here with his most far-out book yet, Alien Worlds, the third installment in his brilliant, internationally bestselling Worlds series, in which he transports colorists back into the Kerby-verse, dreaming up new alien worlds drawn in his signature super-detailed style.

Welcome to the next astounding stop in Kerby's vast universe: extraterrestrial worlds full of alien creatures and lush landscapes, Martian atmospheres, and lunar terrains. Vast worlds and encounters with creatures big and small.

Kerby Rosanes 作者作品表

Kerby Rosanes: The 10 Year Celebration (Paperback)

Dark Fairytales: Colour Sinister Stories (Paperback)

Dark Fairy Tales: Color Sinister Stories (Paperback)

Mythic Animals: Colour a Realm of Legendary Creatures (Paperback)

Reflections: A Celebration of Strange Symmetry (Paperback)

Reflections (Paperback)

Color Universe (Paperback)

Colour Universe: A World of Colouring Challenges (Paperback)

Wondrous Animals: Colour a Kingdom of Creatures (Paperback)

Wondrous Animals: Color a Kingdom of Creatures (Paperback)

Alien Worlds: Color Cosmic Kingdoms (Paperback)

Alien Worlds (Paperback)

World of Colour: A Journey of Colouring Challenges (Paperback)

Mythic World: Colour Timeless Legends (Paperback)

Kaleidomorphia: A Kaleidoscope of Colouring Challenges (Paperback)

Fragile World: Colour Nature's Wonders (Paperback)

Animorphia: Tiger in the Night: 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle (Game)

Wondermorphia (paperback)

Animorphia Sea and Sky (Paperback)

Colourmorphia (Paperback)

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