Civil War and the Collapse of the Social Bond: The Roman Tradition at the Heart of the Modern (Hardcover)
作者: Michele Lowrie, Barbara Vinken 
系列: Classics after Antiquity
分類: Ancient history: to c 500 CE  
書城編號: 25516802

售價: $1260.00

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出版社: Cambridge University Press
出版日期: 2022/11/30
頁數: 360
ISBN: 9781316516447
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Representations of civil war in classical and Christian Latin and their reception in French literature reveal the formative influence of the Roman civil wars on the modern imagination. Optimistic solutions defer resolution beyond the end of history. Within history, a decadent empire resolves republican discord at a terrible price.
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Civil War and the Collapse of the Social Bond: The Roman Tradition at the Heart of the Modern (Hardcover)

eBook: Civil War and the Collapse of the Social Bond: The Roman Tradition at the Heart of the Modern (DRM PDF)

eBook: Civil War and the Collapse of the Social Bond: The Roman Tradition at the Heart of the Modern (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Classics and Celtic Literary Modernism: Yeats, Joyce, MacDiarmid and Jones (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Brecht and Tragedy: Radicalism, Traditionalism, Eristics (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Brecht and Tragedy: Radicalism, Traditionalism, Eristics (DRM PDF)

Michele Lowrie 作者作品表

Horace: Odes and Epodes (Paperback)

eBook: Writing, Performance, and Authority in Augustan Rome (DRM PDF)

eBook: Writing, Performance, and Authority in Augustan Rome (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Horace: Odes and Epodes (DRM PDF)

Barbara Vinken 作者作品表

Paris, a New Rome (Hardcover)

eBook: Diva (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ver-kleiden (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Liebe, Lust und Leidenschaft in der Literatur (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Die Angst vor der Kastration (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Flaubert (DRM EPUB)

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