eBook: Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: John Peel 
分類: Autobiography: general ,
Autobiography: business & industry ,
書城編號: 25524536

售價: $260.00

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製造商: Hamilton Books
出版日期: 2022/09/14
頁數: 360
ISBN: 9780761873839

Seventy years ago, an Ivy League-educated lawyer, his wife from a prominent Midwestern media family, and their four children moved to a small town in Southwestern Colorado. They bought two struggling newspapers, melded them into one and started building a legacy one issue at a time.Arthur and Morley Ballantine not only made Durango their home, they helped mobilize their fellow business owners and neighbors to transform that sleepy little community into a thriving center of education, culture, enterprise, and philanthropy. The Durango Herald quickly became known as an award-winning publication staffed with hard-working, industrious journalists who wouldn't shy from an important story, no matter who might want it quashed.This is the story of a community-minded family with deep connections in the highest levels of government and education. It is the story of how their newspaper has kept its subscribers informed of important issues and news stories big and small. It is a reminder of local newspapers' unique role as the glue that binds and enlightens the people of their towns.The Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue not only traces the history of a remarkable family, but also reminds us of the vital role that quality journalism plays as the underpinning of a community.
John Peel 作者作品表

Lethbridge-Stewart: It Came From The Isle of Man (Paperback)

The Raccoons: Cry Wolf (Paperback)

The Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue (Paperback)

Lucy Wilson Mysteries, The: Invisible Women, The (Paperback)

Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks: 2nd Doctor Novelisation (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

eBook: Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Ballantines: Building Community Issue by Issue (DRM PDF)

Midnight People (Paperback)

Avengers - Too Many Targets (Paperback)

Lethbridge-Stewart: The Grandfather Infestation (Paperback)

eBook: Walk Tall: With the 2Nd Battalion 1St Arvn Regiment (DRM EPUB)

Doctor Who (Hardcover)

Doctor Who Daleks: The Chase (Unabridged ed) (CD-Audio)

eBook: Olivetti Chronicles (DRM EPUB)

Doctor Who: Daleks - The Mutation of Time (Audio)

Doctor Who: Daleks - Mission to the Unknown (Audio)

The Olivetti Chronicles (Paperback)

Margrave of the Marshes (Paperback)

eBook: Twice the Trouble (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Death of Princes (DRM EPUB)

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