eBook: Semantic Control for the Cybersecurity Domain: Investigation on the Representativeness of a Domain-Specific Terminology Referring to Lexical Va
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Claudia Lanza 
分類: Semantics, discourse analysis, etc ,
Automatic control engineering ,
Legal aspects of IT ,
Algorithms & data structures ,
Computer security ,
Computer science ,
Artificial intelligence  
書城編號: 25525161

售價: $715.00

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製造商: CRC Press
出版日期: 2022/10/24
頁數: 170
ISBN: 9781000685893
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This book presents the creation of a bilingual thesaurus (Italian and English), and its conversion into an ontology system, oriented to the Cybersecurity field of knowledge term management and the identification of a replicable method over other specialized areas of study, through computational linguistics procedures, to a statistical and qualitative measurement of the terminological coverage threshold a controlled vocabulary is able to guarantee with respect to the semantic richness proper to the domain under investigation. The volume empowers readers to compile and study significant corpora documentations to support the text mining tasks and to establish a representativeness evaluation of the information retrieved. Through a description of several techniques belonging to the field of linguistics and knowledge engineering, this monograph provides a methodological account on how to enhance and update semantic monitoring tools reflecting a specialized lexicon as that of Cybersecurity to grant a reference semantic structure for domain-sector text classification tasks.This volume is a valuable reference to scholars of corpus-based studies, terminology, ICT, documentation and librarianship studies, text processing research, and distributional semantics area of interest as well as for professionals involved in Cybersecurity organizations.
Claudia Lanza 作者作品表

Semantic Control for the Cybersecurity Domain: Investigation on the Representativeness of a Domain-Specific Terminology Referring to Lexical Variation

eBook: Semantic Control for the Cybersecurity Domain: Investigation on the Representativeness of a Domain-Specific Terminology Referring to Lexical Va

eBook: Semantic Control for the Cybersecurity Domain: Investigation on the Representativeness of a Domain-Specific Terminology Referring to Lexical Va

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