eBook: From Classroom to Career: How to Network, Nail the Interview, and Navigate for Success (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Shirley Morrison 
書城編號: 25533610

售價: $195.00

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製造商: Allworth
出版日期: 2022/09/27
頁數: 216
ISBN: 9781621538202

An authentic, engaging, and practical guide to help college grads thrive personally and professionally.The rules have changed; the traditional workplace is dead. To BOOM in employment today, the secret is to alter the approach, andFrom Classroom to Careerwill tell you how. Gen Z and Millennials are asking for this value-led guide as they embark on careers.Entertaining, personal, and relatable, the voice of the book is purposely casual, as if speaking in a cafe. It's a voice everyone trusts. Reasonable, logical, and concrete advice for today's how-to: how to write a business email; how to successfully land and then stand out in an interview, including in a virtual world; how to ask questions that can be adapted to any job/role; how to write a CV with examples. Inspiring, surprising, real-life stories show empathy for what the readers are likely going through, so they'll forget it's a business book.From Classroom to Careerintegrates the personal and career. This is in fact the real reality of every human being: we're so much more than careerists. It's impossible to thrive career-wise if you are not happy outside of work. People are happier when they have a balance, enabling them to achieve personally and professionally. By helping readers to discover their own values, this guide gets them to think about their own career and who they want to be. This is entirely unlike any other business book out there.
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