eBook: Level Up! Creative Cosplay: Costume Design & Creation, SFX Makeup, LED Basics & More (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Amanda Haas 
書城編號: 25534115

售價: $195.00

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製造商: C&T Publishing
出版日期: 2022/10/25
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781644032206

Expand your costume-making skills and go from beginner to confident maker! Picking up where Creative Cosplay left off, this new volume prepares costume enthusiasts to create out-of-this-world effects from head to toe! Cosplayers of all experience levels have much to gain from Amanda's expertise as a national cosplay competition winner and judge. Learn the basics of making an original costume pattern, using prosthetics and latex, and customizing fabric through dyeing and painting. Transform yourself into the character of your choice with Special Effects (SFX) makeup. SFX makeup uses prosthetics and smaller on-skin materials to create illusions - such as wounds, scars, deformities, or supernatural features - directly on the skin. Get the scoop on sergers, embroidery machines, and using a digital cutterPick up industry secrets on the basics of LED work, body painting, and SFX makeup Create a DIY costume repair kit for conventions, and market yourself in the cosplay world
Amanda Haas 作者作品表

eBook: Level Up! Creative Cosplay: Costume Design & Creation, SFX Makeup, LED Basics & More (DRM PDF)

eBook: Level Up! Creative Cosplay: Costume Design & Creation, SFX Makeup, LED Basics & More (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Creative Cosplay: Selecting & Sewing Costumes Way Beyond Basic (DRM PDF)

eBook: Creative Cosplay: Selecting & Sewing Costumes Way Beyond Basic (DRM EPUB)

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