eBook: Cloven Country: The Devil and the English Landscape (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Harte Jeremy Harte 
分類: History ,
British & Irish history ,
Folklore, myths & legends  
書城編號: 25536771

原價: HK$208.00
現售: HK$197.6 節省: HK$10.4

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製造商: Reaktion Books
出版日期: 2022/10/24
頁數: 336
ISBN: 9781789146516
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An exploration of the myths of England's deceptively bucolic rolling hills and country lanes believed to be created and shaped by the Dark Lord himself. According to legend, the English landscape-so calm on the surface-is really the Devil's work. Cloven Country tells of rocks hurled into place and valleys carved out by infernal labor. The Devil's hideous strength laid down great roads in one night and left scars everywhere as the hard stone melted like wax under those burning feet. With roots in medieval folklore of giants and spirits, this is not the Satan of prayer, but a clumsy ogre, easily fooled by humankind. When a smart cobbler or cunning young wife outwitted him, they struck a blow for the underdog. Only the wicked squire and grasping merchant were beyond redemption, carried off by a black huntsman in the storm. Cloven Country offers a fascinating panorama of these decidedly sinister English tales.
Harte Jeremy Harte 作者作品表

eBook: Travellers through Time: A Gypsy History (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Cloven Country: The Devil and the English Landscape (DRM EPUB)

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