eBook: We Spread (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Iain Reid 
書城編號: 25538916

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Gallery/Scout Press
出版日期: 2022/09/27
頁數: 304
ISBN: 9781982169374
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The author of the ';evocative, spine-tingling, and razor-sharp' (Bustle) I'm Thinking of Ending Things that inspired the Netflix original movie and the ';short, shocking psychological three-hander' (The Guardian) Foe returns with a new work of philosophical suspense.Penny, an artist, has lived in the same apartment for decades, surrounded by the artifacts and keepsakes of her long life. She is resigned to the mundane rituals of old age, until things start to slip. Before her longtime partner passed away years earlier, provisions were made, unbeknownst to her, for a room in a unique long-term care residence, where Penny finds herself after one too many ';incidents.' Initially, surrounded by peers, conversing, eating, sleeping, looking out at the beautiful woods that surround the house, all is well. She even begins to paint again. But as the days start to blur together, Pennywith a growing sense of unrest and distruststarts to lose her grip on the passage of time and on her place in the world. Is she succumbing to the subtly destructive effects of aging, or is she an unknowing participant in something more unsettling? At once compassionate and uncanny, told in spare, hypnotic prose, Iain Reid's genre-defying third novel explores questions of conformity, art, productivity, relationships, and what, ultimately, it means to grow old.
Iain Reid 作者作品表

Foe (Film Tie-In) (Paperback)

Foe (Media Tie-In) (Paperback)

We Spread (Paperback)

WE SPREAD PA (Paperback)

We Spread (Export/Airside) (Paperback)

We Spread (Hardcover)

eBook: We Spread (DRM EPUB)

eBook: We Spread (DRM EPUB)

eBook: We Spread (DRM EPUB)

I'm Thinking Of Ending Things (Paperback)

Foe (Paperback)

I'm Thinking Of Ending Things (Paperback)

Foe (Hardcover)

Foe (Compact Disc)

eBook: Foe (DRM EPUB)

Foe (Hardcover)

eBook: Foe: A Novel (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Foe (DRM EPUB)

Jeg overvejer at gøre det forbi (Hardcover)

I'm Thinking of Ending Things (Paperback)

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