eBook: Hegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy: Towards a post-Marxist understanding of contestation and politicization (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Jacobs Thomas Jacobs 
系列: Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Cult
分類: Semantics, discourse analysis, etc  
書城編號: 25552416

售價: $1079.00

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製造商: John Benjamins Publishing Company
出版日期: 2022/10/15
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9789027257383

Hegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy revisits a question that has long fascinated socialists, progressives, democrats, Greens, and Marxists - how do left-wing forces win at politics? Thirty-five years ago, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe tackled this puzzle in ground-breaking fashion, by drawing on a signature blend of linguistics, Marxist theory, and poststructuralism that came to be known as post-Marxist Discourse Theory (PDT). This book takes up the legacy of Laclau and Mouffe, and elaborates PDT into a full-fledged theory of political strategy for the first time. It argues that post-Marxism provides the foundations for a form of discourse analysis that can explain how political strategies play out as well as why they fail or succeed. Its empirical potential to illuminate the dynamics of hegemonic struggles is demonstrated through a case study focusing on the contestation and politicization of EU trade policy in the European Parliament.
Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Cult

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eBook: Hegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy: Towards a post-Marxist understanding of contestation and politicization (DRM EPUB)

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Jacobs Thomas Jacobs 作者作品表

eBook: Hegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy: Towards a post-Marxist understanding of contestation and politicization (DRM PDF)

eBook: Hegemony, Discourse, and Political Strategy: Towards a post-Marxist understanding of contestation and politicization (DRM EPUB)

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