eBook: Architect of the New BJP: How Narendra Modi Transformed the Party (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Ajay Singh 
書城編號: 25553365

售價: $312.00

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製造商: Penguin Random House India Private Limited
出版日期: 2022/07/11
頁數: 288
ISBN: 9789354926822

In less than forty years of its existence, the Bharatiya Janata Party has become the world's largest political party and continues to go from strength to strength in Indian politics. Although its historic rise may seem organic to some, there is much internal deliberation and planning that has aided the growth of this 180-million-member organization. The Architect of the New BJP uses in-depth research and concrete examples to explain how the BJP has transformed over the decades. It reveals lesser-known contributions, like Prime Minister Narendra Modi's experiments with traditional methods of party-building, his keen eye for detail and the different innovative methodologies to expand the party. Ajay Singh not only examines the past of the party, including the vision of its founders, but also provides a glimpse into the future of the party. Based on extensive interviews with many party workers, leaders and observers, this is the story of how the veterans of this cadre-based party, appreciating its limitations, developed a unique Indian model that eventually transformed the BJP into the election-winning machine it is today.
Ajay Singh 作者作品表

Shifting Tides: An Exploration of the Current Political Landscape. (Paperback)

Cardiovascular Fitness: Building Strong Defenses Against Cardiac Attacks. (Paperback)

Frying Technology: Recent Development, Challenges, and Prospects (Hardcover)

Introduction to Cybersecurity:: Concepts, Principles, Technologies and Practices (Paperback)

eBook: Architect of the New BJP: How Narendra Modi Transformed the Party (DRM EPUB)

India's Battlefields: From Kurukshetra to Balakot (Hardcover)

Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine Question & Ans (Paperback)

Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine (Paperback)

Textbook of Nephro-Endocrinology (2 ed) (Hardcover)

eBook: Emergency Radiology: Imaging of Acute Pathologies (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Emergency Radiology: Imaging of Acute Pathologies (DRM PDF)

Gastrointestinal Imaging: The Essentials (Hardcover)

Through Orphaned Eyes: A Story of Two People, Two Countries (Hardcover)

A Spectrum of Modern Warfare (Hardcover)

eBook: Emergency Radiology: Imaging of Acute Pathologies (DRM PDF)

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