Eu Law Revision Concentrate Pack: Law Revision and Study Guide (Paperback)
作者: Matthew Homewood 
書城編號: 25561325

售價: $250.00

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出版社: Oxford Univ Pr
出版日期: 2022/11/25
重量: 0.63 kg
ISBN: 9780192885531

These two revision and study guides have been packaged together to offer you great value when you're looking to get the most out of your revision.

EU Law Concentrate is the essential revision and study guide for law students looking to consolidate knowledge and achieve the best possible marks. Providing clear, succinct coverage of all the key topics, it enables you to quickly grasp the fundamental principles of this area of law and excel in your exams and coursework.

Concentrate Q&A EU Law contains model exam questions and answers, with expert advice on recognising what examiners are looking for, structuring a first class answer, avoiding common exam mistakes and making your answer stand out from the crowd.

Matthew Homewood 作者作品表

Eu Law Revision Concentrate Pack: Law Revision and Study Guide (Paperback)


EU Law Concentrate (Paperback)

EU Law Concentrate (Paperback)

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