The Perfect Gift: Psychology of Gift-Giving (2023) (Paperback)
作者: Bernd Stauss 
分類: Social, group or collective psychology  
書城編號: 25589275

原價: HK$300.00
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出版社: Springer Nature
出版日期: 2023/04/27
ISBN: 9783662663929
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Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother's Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail.

The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others:

  • What 'secret' rules of giving and receiving do we follow?
  • What messages do we send with our gifts?
  • How do certain characteristics - such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a Gift-giving is an economically significant area of consumer behavior. For we are constantly buy gifts: for Christmas and Mother's Day, for birth and baptism, for the start of school and exams, for engagements and weddings, for birthdays or as souvenirs. Moreover, gift-giving is a very important psychological phenomenon, based on voluntariness, but also representing a duty and requiring compliance with rules. Thus, gift giving is by no means always associated with joy, but also with stress in the search for a perfect gift and disappointment when gifts fail.

    The book presents central results of psychological research on gift-giving. These provide answers to the following questions, among others:

    - What 'secret' rules of giving and receiving do we follow?

    - What messages do we send with our gifts?

    - How do certain characteristics- such as the amount of the price or empathy - influence satisfaction with a gift?

    - What mistakes should we avoid when giving gifts in romantic relationships?

    - When is a monetary gift appropriate and when is it not?

    The Author

    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. em. Bernd Stauss held the Chair of Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichst

Bernd Stauss 作者作品表

The Perfect Gift: Psychology of Gift-Giving (2023) (Paperback)

eBook: Psychology of Gift-Giving (DRM PDF)

eBook: Psychology of Gift-Giving (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Das perfekte Geschenk: Zur Psychologie des Schenkens (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Das perfekte Geschenk: Zur Psychologie des Schenkens (DRM PDF)

eBook: Qualitatsmanagement und Zertifizierung: Von DIN ISO 9000 zum Total Quality Management (DRM PDF)

eBook: Wenn Thomas Mann Ihr Kunde ware: Lektionen fur Servicemanager (DRM PDF)

eBook: Optimiert Weihnachten: Eine Anleitung zur Besinnlichkeits-Maximierung (DRM PDF)

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