111 Places in Manchester That You Shouldn't Miss (Revised ed) (Paperback)
作者: Julian Treuherz, Peter de Figueiredo 
系列: 111 Places/Shops
分類: Travel tips & advice: general ,
Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside  
書城編號: 25596496

原價: HK$240.00
現售: HK$228 節省: HK$12

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出版社: Emons Verlag GmbH
出版日期: 2022/12/12
頁數: 240
尺寸: 205 x 135 mm
重量: 479 grams
ISBN: 9783740818623

This book will also take you to alternative Manchester - Radical Manchester, Literary Manchester, and of course to Madchester, the crazy music scene.
111 Places/Shops

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Julian Treuherz 作者作品表

Art and Architecture of Sicily (Hardcover)

111 Places in Manchester That You Shouldn't Miss (Paperback)

Ford Madox Brown (Hardcover)

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