Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria: Beautiful, Monstrous, Ridiculous (Hardcover)
作者: Nimi Wariboko 
分類: Religion & politics ,
Pentecostal Churches ,
Politics & government ,
書城編號: 25596638

售價: $800.00

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出版社: Indiana Univ Pr
出版日期: 2023/08/01
ISBN: 9780253066428


Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria explores how the sacred plays itself out in contemporary Africa. It offers a creative analysis of the logics and dynamics of the sacred (understood as the constellation of im/possibility available to a given community) in religion, politics, epistemology, economic development, and reactionary violence. Using the tools of philosophy, postcolonial criticism, political theory, African studies, religious studies, and cultural studies, Wariboko reveals the intricate connections between the sacred and the existential conditions that characterize disorder, terror, trauma, despair, and hope in the postcolonial Africa.

The sacred, Wariboko argues, is not about religion or divinity but the set of possibilities opened to a people or denied them, the sum total of possibilities conceivable given their level of social, technological, and economic development. These possibilities profoundly speak to the present political moment in sub-Saharan Africa.

Nimi Wariboko 作者作品表

Lifemaking: Political Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (Paperback)

Antennae (Paperback)

eBook: Lifemaking: Political Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (DRM EPUB)

Lifemaking: Political Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (Hardcover)

Kálábárí Témétéín Ékwen (Paperback)

Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria: Beautiful, Monstrous, Ridiculous (Hardcover)

Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria: Beautiful, Monstrous, Ridiculous (Paperback)

eBook: Transcripts of the Sacred in Nigeria: Beautiful, Monstrous, Ridiculous (DRM EPUB)

The Split Time: Economic Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (Paperback)

eBook: Split Time: Economic Philosophy for Human Flourishing in African Perspective (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Split Economy, The: Saint Paul Goes to Wall Street (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pentecostal Hypothesis: Christ Talks, They Decide (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Pentecostal Hypothesis: Christ Talks, They Decide (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ethics and Society in Nigeria: Identity, History, Political Theory (DRM PDF)

eBook: Split God, The: Pentecostalism and Critical Theory (DRM EPUB)

Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology: Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power (paperback)

Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology: Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power (Hardcover)

eBook: Nigerian Pentecostalism (DRM PDF)

Nigerian Pentecostalism (Hardcover)

eBook: Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights (DRM EPUB)

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