Postcolonial Politics (Hardcover)
作者: Francisco Carballo 
書城編號: 25598705

售價: $3010.00

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出版社: Routledge
出版日期: 2022/11/08
重量: 0.73 kg
ISBN: 9781138676794


This timely new four volume collection series enables users to make sense of the vast diversity of texts, generated across different continents and in different languages, and spanning numerous fields of intellectual and literary endeavour, that constitute the formative and central works of Postcolonial Politics. Fully indexed and with a new introduction, this collection will be welcomed by scholars, other researchers, and advanced students as an indispensable reference and pedagogic resource.

Francisco Carballo 作者作品表

Postcolonial Politics (Hardcover)

Postcolonial Politics (Hardcover)

Postcolonial Politics (Hardcover)

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