eBook: Oxford Handbook of Traumatic Stress Disorders (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: J. Gayle Beck, Denise M. Sloan 
系列: Oxford Library of Psychology
分類: Care of the mentally ill ,
Physiological & neuro-psychology, biopsychology ,
Psychiatry ,
Clinical psychology ,
Psychotherapy ,
Psychiatric nursing  
書城編號: 25600714

售價: $1051.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Oxford University Press
出版日期: 2022/11/01
頁數: 632
ISBN: 9780190088248
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The experience of traumatic events is a near-universal, albeit unfortunate, part of the human experience. Given how many individuals are exposed to trauma, it is interesting to question why some individuals are resilient in the face of trauma while others go on to develop chronic post-traumatic stress. Throughout the relatively brief history of the psychological study of trauma, a number of themes have consistently emerged; many of these themes remain essential elements within our current study of traumatic stress disorders, as summarized within this volume. The Oxford Handbook of Traumatic Stress Disorders addresses the current landscape of research and clinical knowledge surrounding traumatic stress disorders. Bringing together a group of highly-regarded experts, this volume is divided into six sections, together summarizing the current state of knowledge about 1) classification and phenomenology, 2) epidemiology and special populations, 3) contributions from theory, 4) assessment, 5) prevention and early intervention efforts, and 6) treatment of individuals with post-trauma mental health symptoms. Throughout the volume, attention is paid to identifying current controversies in the literature and highlighting directions that hold promise for future work. In this new second edition, experts on traumatic stress contribute chapters on topics spanning classification, epidemiology and special populations, theory, assessment, prevention/early intervention, treatment, and dissemination and treatment. This expanded, updated volume provides research updates and highlights areas that need continued clarification through additional research. With new chapters on adverse childhood experiences, suicide following the experience of trauma, and evidence-based treatments, the second edition provides an up-to-date and valuable resource for clinicians and investigators with interest in traumatic stress disorders.
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J. Gayle Beck 作者作品表

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