eBook: Breathwork: Use The Power Of Breath To Energise Your Body And Focus Your Mind (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Nathalia Westmacott-Brown 
系列: A Little Book of Self Care
分類: Pain & pain management ,
Sleep disorders & therapy ,
Coping with anxiety & phobias ,
Self-help & personal development ,
Complementary therapies, healing & health ,
Mind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation  
書城編號: 25601348

售價: $130.00

購買後立即進貨, 約需 1-4 天

製造商: Dorling Kindersley Ltd
出版日期: 2019/12/26
頁數: 144
ISBN: 9780241439876
>> 相關實體書

Use breathwork to transform every area of your life. New science confirms what traditional practitioners have known for centuries - that breathing mindfully can be key to achieving spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In a beautifully illustrated package, Breathwork gives you 50 simple, targeted, step-by-step breath practices and visualizations you can do at home to balance body and mind, access inner wisdom, overcome anxiety, anger or insomnia, alleviate pain and depression, nurture self-esteem and more.Internationally renowned author and teacher Nathalia Westmacott-Brown draws together a range of simple, safe, and transformational routines from a wide variety of traditions and modalities, including conscious connected breathing, pranayama, holographic breathwork, and qigong. Follow her guidance on the benefits of each exercise, how to position your body, the speed and depth of breaths, how long to spend, and how often to practise.With Breathwork, you'll discover how breathing with purpose and control can help you to heal - and to become the healthiest and happiest you can be.
A Little Book of Self Care

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eBook: Breathwork: Use The Power Of Breath To Energise Your Body And Focus Your Mind (DRM EPUB)

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Nathalia Westmacott-Brown 作者作品表

Breathwork: Use The Power Of Breath To Energise Your Body And Focus Your Mind (Hardcover)

eBook: Breathwork: Use The Power Of Breath To Energise Your Body And Focus Your Mind (DRM EPUB)

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