eBook: Borders of Violence and Justice: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835-1935 (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Brian D. Behnken 
分類: History of the Americas ,
Violence in society ,
Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies ,
Law & society ,
Western & Pacific Coast states ,
書城編號: 25612086

售價: $1287.00

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製造商: The University of North Carolina Press
出版日期: 2022/11/22
頁數: 334
ISBN: 9781469670140
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Brian Behnken offers a sweeping examination of the interactions between Mexican-origin people and law enforcementboth legally codified police agencies and extralegal justiceacross the U.S. Southwest (especially Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas) from the 1830s to the 1930s. Representing a broad, colonial regime, police agencies and extralegal groups policed and controlled Mexican-origin people to maintain state and racial power in the region, treating Mexicans and Mexican Americans as a "foreign" population that they deemed suspect and undesirable. White Americans justified these perceptions and the acts of violence that they spawned with racist assumptions about the criminality of Mexican-origin people, but Behnken details the many ways Mexicans and Mexican Americans responded to violence, including the formation of self-defense groups and advocacy organizations. Others became police officers, vowing to protect Mexican-origin people from within the ranks of law enforcement. Mexican Americans also pushed state and territorial governments to professionalize law enforcement to halt abuse.The long history of the border region between the United States and Mexico has been one marked by periodic violence, but Behnken shows us in unsparing detail how Mexicans and Mexican Americans refused to stand idly by in the face of relentless assault.
Brian D. Behnken 作者作品表

eBook: Borders of Violence and Justice: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835-1935 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Borders of Violence and Justice: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835-1935 (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Borders of Violence and Justice: Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Law Enforcement in the Southwest, 1835-1935 (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas (DRM PDF)

eBook: Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas (DRM PDF)

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