eBook: Celebrating the People of Costa Rica (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Rosie Banks 
書城編號: 25617043

原價: HK$393.00
現售: HK$373.35 節省: HK$19.65

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製造商: Cavendish Square Publishing, LLC
出版日期: 2022/07/15
頁數: 32
ISBN: 9781502664518

The Central American nation of Costa Rica is located between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The country's history has shaped the rich cultural heritage of its people, including indigenous peoples, Spanish colonization, and the fight for independence. In this dynamic text, an excellent aid to elementary social studies curricula, readers will not only discover more about Costa Rica's past but also its current arts and cuisine. This nation is also home to more than 500,000 species, thanks to its many national parks! Vivid photographs bring the content into sharp focus, and reader-friendly sidebars and fact boxes clarify complex concepts.
Rosie Banks 作者作品表

Counting at the Aquarium (Paperback)

Counting at the Store (Library Binding)

Counting at the Zoo (Library Binding)

Counting at the Store (Paperback)

Counting at the Zoo (Paperback)

Counting at the Aquarium (Library Binding)

Counting at the Game (Paperback)

Counting at the Game (Library Binding)

Counting at the Library (Paperback)

Counting at the Library (Library Binding)

Counting at the Playground (Paperback)

Counting at the Playground (Library Binding)

Taxes (Library Binding)

Stocks (Library Binding)

Loans and Interest (Library Binding)

Debt (Library Binding)

Currency (Library Binding)

Budgets (Library Binding)

Budgets (Paperback)

Currency (Paperback)

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