eBook: Prophet Amos Speaks to America: Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary Politics (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Bruce G. Epperly 
分類: Bibles ,
Old Testaments ,
Biblical studies & exegesis  
書城編號: 25623307

原價: HK$117.00
現售: HK$111.15 節省: HK$5.85

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製造商: Energion Publications
出版日期: 2022/10/21
頁數: 140
ISBN: 9781631998485
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The prophet Amos is known for fiery messages directed at the elites of the northern kingdom of Israel in ancient times. Can this prophet also speak to us in America today?This book looks at the message that Amos proclaimed and applies it to parallel situations in modern America. Issues such as the worship of wealth (greed), privilege, and elites living off the labor of others are more similar in these two times and places than one might initially assume.How can we respond as people of faith to the evils of our own time? Are we responsible to notice and take action? Is taking such action part of our faith?If we listen to the prophet Amos, the answer is a resounding "yes." God cares about the weak, the oppressed, and the downtrodden, and looks to those with the means to help implement change. We are truly asked to take responsibility for the well-being of our neighbor.Christians would be especially challenged by this book and the message of the prophet Amos, because so much of that message was also proclaimed by Jesus, who based judgment on how one treated the least, rather than those who are great.With study and thought questions with each chapter, and an abundance of suggestions for practical action, this book is a great tool to use in a church-wide study combined with a call to action.
Bruce G. Epperly 作者作品表

Saving Progressive Christianity to Save the Planet (Paperback)

Head, Heart, and Hands: An Introduction to Saint Bonaventure (Paperback)

The God of Tomorrow (Paperback)

Process Theology and Healing (Paperback)

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Process Theology and Mysticism (Paperback)

eBook: Process Theology and Mysticism (DRM EPUB)

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eBook: Process Theology and Healing (DRM EPUB)

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Simplicity, Spirituality, Service: The Timeless Wisdom of Francis, Clare, and Bonaventure (Paperback)

Praying Twice: The 12 Days of Christmas with Carols and Hymns (Paperback)

Process Theology and the Revival We Need (Paperback)

eBook: Process Theology and the Revival We Need (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Taking a Walk with Whitehead: Meditations with Process-Relational Theology (DRM EPUB)

Taking a Walk with Whitehead: Meditations with Process-Relational Theology (Paperback)

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