eBook: Trump and Mussolini: Images, Fake News, and Mass Media as Weapons in the Hands of Two Populists (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Anna Camaiti Hostert, Enzo Antonio Cicchino, Anthony Julian Tamburri 
系列: The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in
分類: History of the Americas ,
Central government ,
Geopolitics ,
書城編號: 25624536

售價: $390.00

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製造商: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
出版日期: 2022/10/17
頁數: 188
ISBN: 9781683933670
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Trump and Mussolini: Images, Fake News, and Mass Media as Weapons in the Hands of Two Populists compares two historic men of power and influence, Donald Trump and Benito Mussolini, to analyze the commonality of practices and mannerisms between the two. From rhetoric to body language, to their control over oral and written communication and analogous power strategies, they both possess an unusual talent for new technologies which they utilize to their advantage in unique moments in history. Mussolini lived at the beginning of mass society, Trump at the height of social media, both controversial leaders finding means to utilize these periods of time and the tools surrounding them to further their own agendas and influence society, culture, and authority. The authors examine a plethora of topics and themes such as outward personalities and consuming charisma, means and tools of communication and propaganda, and treatment of women, just to name a few, in order to define the relationship and similarities between these two controversial figures. This book was written before the Capitol Hill assault on January 6th 2021. Mussolini in November 1922 in front of the Parliament said: ';I could have made a bivouac of this gloomy gray hall: I could have shut down the Parliament and formed a Government exclusively of Fascists; I could have done so, but I did not wish to do so, at least not at this moment.' Trump, however never said anything like this, but indeed, tried to do it.
The Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in

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... [顯示此系列所有商品]

Anthony Julian Tamburri 作者作品表

From the Margin: Writings in Italian Americana (Paperback)

Re-Thinking The Godfather 50 Years Later (Paperback)

Italian Diaspora Studies and the University (Paperback)

eBook: Re-reading Italian Americana: Specificities and Generalities on Literature and Criticism (DRM PDF)

eBook: Re-reading Italian Americana: Specificities and Generalities on Literature and Criticism (DRM EPUB)

Italian/American Short Films and Music Videos: A Semiotic Reading (Paperback)

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