eBook: Veamos de cerca las autopistas (Zoom in on Superhighways) (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Kathy Furgang 
書城編號: 25627944

原價: HK$333.00
現售: HK$316.35 節省: HK$16.65

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製造商: Enslow Publishing, LLC
出版日期: 2020/07/15
頁數: 24
ISBN: 9781978516748

In 1956, the United States celebrated the opening of its first interstate highway. Since then, the country has been connected from one end to the other with a matrix of highways and superhighways. This compelling book introduces readers to the engineering feat of building the superhighways that have allowed us to live more connected lives. Readers will learn about the fascinating challenges that engineers face when building superhighways over waterways and roads, underground, and with the latest safety features. A follow-up activity provides students with a road map and encourages them to write directions from one city to another.
Kathy Furgang 作者作品表

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