eBook: Mindly Twists and Turns (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Yusef Waghid 
書城編號: 25628179

原價: HK$137.00
現售: HK$130.15 節省: HK$6.85

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製造商: African Sun Media
出版日期: 2021/12/15
頁數: 154
ISBN: 9781991201638

My familiarity with Professor Yusef Waghid's scholarship and our collaborationspan more than two decades. Therefore, a few words cannot appropriatelyencompass my account of the magnitude of his academic profile coupled withhis personal qualities and engagement. He is a global thinker who has madesignificant contributions to scholarship in South Africa, the broader African worldin the continent and the Diaspora, and the international community. ProfessorWaghid is an exceptionally prolific writer with consistent academic excellenceon topics of critical importance to education and other social institutions, andthe struggle for justice and social transformation. He has developed criticalinsights articulating the importance and necessity of epistemic equality withparticular reference to indigenous knowledge system, especially uBuntu. He is a creative scholar with significant and original contributions to knowledge and transformative curriculum and pedagogy. As a public intellectual, he emulates a dialectical relationship between theory and social realities with a consistentengagement for equality and quality educational opportunity, and social progress. He is one of the foremost intellectuals hailing from South Africa with a global stature. In addition to his prominence as a scholar, Professor Waghid has personal and enviable qualities as reflected in his collegiality, trustworthiness, responsiveness, reliability, and unfailing compassion.Professor N'Dri Assie-Lumumba, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, President of Comparative and International Education Society
Yusef Waghid 作者作品表

Philosophical Adventures in African Higher Education: Cultivating Doctoral Encounters within Democratic Citizenship Education (Hardcover)

eBook: Philosophical Adventures in African Higher Education: Cultivating Doctoral Encounters within Democratic Citizenship Education (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Philosophical Adventures in African Higher Education: Cultivating Doctoral Encounters within Democratic Citizenship Education (DRM PDF)

Values, Education, Emotional Learning, and the Quest for Justice in Education (Hardcover)

Values, Education, Emotional Learning, and the Quest for Justice in Education (Paperback)

Towards an Ubuntu University: African Higher Education Reimagined (2023) (Paperback)

eBook: Philosophical, Educational, and Moral Openings in Doctoral Pursuits and Supervision: Promoting the Values of Wonder, Wander, and Whisper in Afr

eBook: Philosophical, Educational, and Moral Openings in Doctoral Pursuits and Supervision: Promoting the Values of Wonder, Wander, and Whisper in Afr

Fostering Values Education and Engaging Academic Freedom Amidst Emerging Issues Related to Covid-19 (Hardcover)

Fostering Values Education and Engaging Academic Freedom Amidst Emerging Issues Related to Covid-19 (Paperback)

Chronicles on African Philosophy of Higher Education: A Colloquy Among Friends (Paperback)

Chronicles on African Philosophy of Higher Education: A Colloquy Among Friends (Hardcover)

Towards an Ubuntu University: African Higher Education Reimagined (1st ed. 2022) (Hardcover)

eBook: Education, Crisis and Philosophy: Ubuntu within Higher Education (DRM PDF)

eBook: Education, Crisis and Philosophy: Ubuntu within Higher Education (DRM EPUB)

eBook: Mindly Twists and Turns (DRM PDF)

eBook: Ta'arruf as a Philosophy of Muslim Education (DRM PDF)

Philosophy and Education as Action (Paperback)

eBook: Towards a Philosophy of Caring in Higher Education: Pedagogy and Nuances of Care (DRM PDF)

eBook: Towards a Philosophy of Caring in Higher Education: Pedagogy and Nuances of Care (DRM EPUB)

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