eBook: Flat Out and Fearless: There's no prize for second best (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Peter Lindenberg 
書城編號: 25628194

售價: $182.00

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製造商: Jonathan Ball Publishers
出版日期: 2022/10/24
頁數: 400
ISBN: 9781998958627

With a racing career spanning more than four decades, coming second is never an option for Peter Lindenberg.Troubled by a lack of self-confidence, Peter's 'average' childhood saw a bitter parent who doubted his abilities, a demanding school system that forced him to fit the mould, a younger brother who was better at everything, and brutal, undeserved beatings with a sjambok.But when Peter tasted the buzz of barefoot water-skiing he found it impossible to resist, and went on to break records, earn numerous Springbok Colours, and win many world championships.This, however, was just the start.Little did Peter know the sporting magic that would follow in his life - first as a powerboat racer and then as a race car driver.Despite counting on pins and metal to hold his battered body intact, being arrested unjustly, a serious motor racing accident with his car going up in flames, and a brain haemorrhage, Peter keeps going flat out and quickly ranks on the international championship charts, cheats death twice, and presses the reset button to positively influence a failed marriage.Flat Out and Fearless is Peter's cut-to-the-chase life journey that has rendered him one bionic man who is proud of his blatant honesty and his courageous quest to uplift and transform the lives of the downtrodden.
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