Beauty Prime (Paperback)
作者: Beauty Prime 
書城編號: 25643665

售價: $300.00

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出版社: Iboo Pr House
出版日期: 2022/10/14
重量: 0.14 kg
ISBN: 9781642263787


Welcome to second issue of Beauty Prime magazine that connects beauty stylists, make up artists, beauty salons, hair designers, and businesses in beauty industry. Beauty Prime magazine is your voice. We bring you long form writings on different topics and unique interview, review and news subjects.

Winning any awards or credible write ups in newspapers and magazines are usually the indications that the business is committed to high standards. If you feel your business is commited to high standards, we're here to be voice of your business.

Beauty Prime is available both in electronic and print, over 190 countries and more than 40.000 online stores, retailers and libraries. It is available forever, and you can get it electronic or print from selected online stores including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, Blackwell's, Rakuten, Chapters&Indigo and so on.

On the cover of this issue we feature a beautiful woman and the secrets of staying young naturallu. Manoj tells us ways to stay fresh and young.

In this issue we have conducted interviews with some of the masters in beauty industry. Ms. Withney Raymond, Mr. & Mrs. Debbie & Billi Currie, Ms. Jo Hansford, Ms. Ginger Boyle and Ms. Nohad Da Silva are some of them. We'll continue to feature more and more masters in Beauty industry.

Full of amazing stories, reviews, advice and news, you'll have so much fun with our new issue of Beauty Prime of this issue.

Enjoy reading...

Beauty Prime 作者作品表

Beauty Prime (Paperback)

eBook: Beauty Prime (DRM EPUB)

Looks Exceptionally Beautiful: Beauty Prime (Issue) (Paperback)

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