eBook: American Methodism Revised and Updated (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Kenneth E. Rowe, Jean Miller Schmidt, Dr. Russell E. Richey, Ashley Boggan D. 
分類: History of religion ,
Christian Churches & denominations ,
Methodist Churches  
書城編號: 25647354

原價: HK$520.00
現售: HK$494 節省: HK$26

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製造商: Abingdon Press
出版日期: 2022/11/15
ISBN: 9781791016609
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The essential guide to American Methodism revised and updated through 2020.Four of Methodism's most respected teachers give us a vivid picture of 260 years of Methodist experience in America. The revised edition updates the Methodist movement's story through 2020, including the social, political, economic, technological, and global disruptions that cause faith communities and denominations to pull apart.American Methodism Revised and Updated begins with the explosion of evangelical Pietism and revolutionary Methodism, the First Great Awakening, as an independent nation was formed.It then highlights key 19th century themes and Methodist contributions, such as spreading scriptural holiness through missions and literature, planting tens of thousands of Sunday schools and churches by Circuit Riders, the pivotal Methodist schism between abolitionists and enslavers, the innovative building of schools and hospitals into the next century, and the revivalism of the Second Great Awakening.Finally it explores the movements of 20th century Methodism, including the expansion of home and foreign missions, the Methodist drive for Prohibition, the decision for nationwide reunification on the cusp of World War II, reunification with the United Brethren during the Vietnam War, the Methodist ordination of women during the 1950s, Black Methodist leadership in the 1960s Civil Rights movement, and the liturgical renewal or reformation of worship (ancient and future).

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