Shreveport's Historic Greenwood Cemetery: Echoes in Granite and Marble (Paperback)
作者: Gary D. Joiner 
書城編號: 25649684

原價: HK$240.00
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出版社: History Pr
出版日期: 2023/01/02
重量: 0.45 kg
ISBN: 9781467152402

Pause for a spell to visit with the remarkable inhabitants of Greenwood Cemetery. Greenwood Cemetery is resplendent in its gardenlike setting, gently rolling hills, sharply edged bluffs, impressively carved monuments and row after row of military gravestones. It is a social laboratory that helps those get to know who was here before and what their families wish future generations to remember about them. Visitors can find heroes and villains, mayors, bankers, industrialists, the well-to-do, and the forgotten. Some monuments are fascinating simply for their carved angels, others poignant in their descriptions of lives cut short. Indeed, all the markers have a story to tell. The most notable among them are included in this book. Stroll through Greenwood with Dr. Gary Joiner and learn a thing or two about those who rest here.
Gary D. Joiner 作者作品表

Shreveport's Historic Greenwood Cemetery: Echoes in Granite and Marble (Paperback)

eBook: Mr. Lincoln's Brown Water Navy: The Mississippi Squadron (DRM PDF)

eBook: Mr. Lincoln's Brown Water Navy: The Mississippi Squadron (DRM EPUB)

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