Denim Upcycled: Breathe New Life Into Old Jeans (Paperback)
作者: Janet Goddard 
分類: Needlework & fabric crafts  
書城編號: 25653177

原價: HK$238.00
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出版社: GMC Publications
出版日期: 2023/02/14
頁數: 144
尺寸: 275 x 215 mm
ISBN: 9781784946449


Denim Upcycled contains 25 creative projects using old pairs of jeans to create fabulous customised clothes & homewares.

Jeans are such a wardrobe staple that most people end up with at least one or two pairs of that don't fit any more, have worn out in places or have gone out of style. But instead of consigning them to landfill, why not repurpose them? Denim is a durable and versatile fabric that's perfect for upcycling into stylish, sustainable and useful items for you, your family and friends, and your home. With clear instructions and handy tips throughout, projects are suitable for all levels.

Janet Goddard 作者作品表

Denim Upcycled: Breathe New Life Into Old Jeans (Paperback)

Weekend Makes: Simple Applique (Paperback)

Simply Modern Patchwork Quilts (Paperback)

Simply Modern Patchwork Bags (Paperback)

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