eBook: World of the End Bible Study Guide: How Jesus' Prophecy Shapes Our Priorities (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Dr. David Jeremiah 
分類: Christian life & practice  
書城編號: 25655861

售價: $130.00

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製造商: HarperChristian Resources
出版日期: 2022/11/22
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9780310155935

This Is Our Time to Be the AnswerSome days it seems like bad news all around. And with bad news comes questions: ';Why is this happening?' ';When will it stop?' ';What can we do?' And most pressing of all: ';Is this the end?'In these hope-filled pages, bestselling author, pastor, and respected Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah will help you focus your mind on the hand of God instead of the problems at hand. Jesus Himself revealed what to expect from this season of history when He delivered His Olivet Discoursea sermon that scholars have called ';the most important single passage of prophecy in all the Bible.'This study guide, designed for use with Dr. Jeremiah's book The World of the End, focuses on Jesus' prophecy in Matthew 24. Jesus makes it clear that all the signs He points to won't occur at once; instead, they will gradually appear and become stronger and more frequent. You will learn exactly what Jesus promised to usand what He expects of usas we approach the World of the End.Each lesson includes:An outline of the main subjects and Scriptures covered during the lessonAn overview of Dr. Jeremiah's teaching on the topic being studiedApplication questions to help both individuals and small groups delve into the content and the BibleA Did You Know? section that adds a point of interest to the lesson
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