eBook: Nationalism: Past, Present and Future (DRM PDF)
電子書格式: DRM PDF
作者: Thomas J. Keaney 
系列: Political Science and History
分類: Political science & theory ,
書城編號: 25658335

售價: $2535.00

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製造商: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
出版日期: 2021/07/02
頁數: 284
ISBN: 9781536199086
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This edited volume contains six chapters, each providing a different perspective on the topic of nationalism, which is the identification with one's own nation and support for its interests. Chapter One deals with the popular notion in India that yoga can solve the climate crisis and examines the validity of this concept. Chapter Two focuses on the nature of national identities and nationalist ideologies in Bangladesh, and attempts to identify potential future changes with specific emphasis on the impact of global media and technological trends, development of political Islam, and South Asian regional politics. Chapter Three takes an original perspective on how Ethiopia's Christian and medieval past was perceived and exploited in the late 19th and early 20th century AD to consolidate monarchical power and to resist encroachments of European colonial powers. Chapter Four examines the complex relations between state and society within the context of South Korea's rapid industrialization. Chapter Five analyzes propaganda and the representations of enemies of Chilean nationalism between 1932 and 1945. Finally, Chapter Six examines the role and the place of Eurasian ideology in the national discourse of Siberia.
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Thomas J. Keaney 作者作品表

Nationalism: Past, Present and Future (Hardcover)

eBook: Nationalism: Past, Present and Future (DRM PDF)

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