eBook: Batman: The Official Script Book (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Insight Editions 
分類: Films, cinema  
書城編號: 25659167

售價: $104.00

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製造商: Insight Editions
出版日期: 2022/11/15
頁數: 240
ISBN: 9781647228842
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You're a part of this too. Dive deeper into Matt Reeves' remarkable film The Batman with this one-of-a-kind edition of the screenplay.Experience The Batman in an all-new way, with this deluxe version of the film's thrilling script. Follow the Caped Crusader early in his career as he faces off against sinister serial killer The Riddler and reckons with the sins of the Wayne family's past. Featuring film stills that add visual depth to the story, The Batman: The Official Script Book is an immersive tribute to the Dark Knight's journey from the page to the screen. *; EXPERIENCE THE BATMAN IN AN ALL-NEW WAY: The vision of screenwriters Matt Reeves and Peter Craig will immerse you in the seedy, striking, noir-inspired narrative of The Batman. *; CREATE A MOVIE IN YOUR MIND: Beautifully rendered film stills combine with the screenplay to make movie magic in your mind's eye.
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