eBook: Northman: A Call to the Gods (DRM EPUB)
電子書格式: DRM EPUB
作者: Robert Eggers, Alexander Skarsgard, Ethan Hawke, Sjon 
書城編號: 25659169

售價: $234.00

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製造商: Insight Editions
出版日期: 2022/11/08
頁數: 160
ISBN: 9781647229078
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The Northman: A Call to the Gods is the official look at how this epic Viking revenge thriller was conceived, written, cast, and produced by acclaimed director Robert Eggers. Set against the ruthless backdrop of tenth-century Norse territory, The Northman is the a new epic Viking revenge thriller by acclaimed director Robert Eggers (The Witch [2015] and The Lighthouse [2019]), featuring an all-star cast including Alexander Skarsgrd, Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, Anya Taylor-Joy, Willem Dafoe, and Bjrk. Compiled from fascinating interviews with the cast and crew, inspiring storyboards, exclusive behind-the-scenes photographsincluding the director's own firsthand account of his creative processes in writing and directingThe Northman: A Call to the Gods explores the cold and forbidding world of the Vikings, their customs, traditions, and relentless thirst for battle and vengeance that inspired Eggers to write this compelling Norse saga. Learn how the wardrobe department recreated the intricate chain mail armor and costumes of Viking berserkers and warriors; delve into the research behind the art department's visual inspiration for replicating the villages of Hrafnsey and Freysdalur; and get the inside scoop on the challenges the cast encountered when creating the iconic characters of Amleth, Olga, Queen Gurdrn, and the Seeress. The Northman: A Call to the Gods is the perfect companion for both film fans and anyone interested in Viking history and legends. PROFILE OF AN AWARD-WINNING DIRECTOR: Using acclaimed director Robert Eggers' own firsthand account, The Northman: A Call to the Gods delivers a revealing profile of his inspirations, and his creative process. EXCLUSIVE PHOTOGRAPHS: Explore dozens of photographs of the set, crew, director Robert Eggers, and the award-winning cast, including Alexander Skarsgrd, Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, Anya Taylor-Joy, Willem Dafoe, and Bjrk. GO BEHIND THE SCENES: Delve into never-before-seen storyboards and set designs that give a glimpse into the fascinating art and craft of filmmaking. PERFECT FOR FILM ENTHUSIASTS: The Northman: A Call to the Gods is the perfect gift for movie fans and anyone interested in Viking legend and lore.

Ethan Hawke 作者作品表

Un Brillante Rayo de Oscuridad (Paperback)

Rules for a Knight: A letter from a father (Paperback)

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Rules for a Knight (Paperback)

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eBook: Rules for a Knight: A letter from a father (DRM EPUB)

Rules for a Knight: A letter from a father (Hardcover)

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Sjon 作者作品表

The Blue Fox (Compact Disc)

The Blue Fox (MP3 CD)

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