Under the conditions of increased consumption of energy resources, the problem of their conservation and rational use is topical. About 50-70 % of all energy produced in the world is consumed by the electric drive. However, its operation is often accompanied by the appearance of various kinds of defects and damage caused by poor-quality manufacturing or repair, failure of individual elements of electric motors without loss of performance. It results in more energy consumption and premature repair of electrical equipment, and hence in an increase in material costs and enlarged use of energy resources. To eliminate the negative consequences of the operation of an electric drive with defects and damage to induction motors, the monograph presents methods and systems of fault-tolerant control that allow the adjustment of the operating modes using the means of a variable-frequency electric drive. The main idea of such systems is to maintain the operability of technological mechanisms in the event of various malfunctions. The worked out methods and systems make it possible to detect various types of damage at the initial stages of their development. Then, based on the obtained information, they allow upgrading the control algorithm to maintain the operable state of the electromechanical equipment to the possibility of replacing the corresponding equipment or repairing the electric drive motor. That is, the most rational area for using the developed fault-tolerant control systems is industrial equipment, which must continue to operate, despite the deterioration in dynamic characteristics and energy efficiency.