Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Ears (Board Books)
作者: Surya Sajnani 
書城編號: 25670290

原價: HK$140.00
現售: HK$133 節省: HK$7

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出版社: Happy Yak
出版日期: 2023/06/06
重量: 0.18 kg
ISBN: 9780711275423

This interactive board book series features the classic touch-and-feel concept but with a fun, stylish Wee Gallery twist! Each spread features an intriguing textile and a different animal character to spark the curiosity of babies and toddlers.

In Wee Gallery: Touch-and-Feel Ears, meet seven incredibly cute creatures who all feature excellent ears! Little ones will love feeling the different textures and materials, whether it be the soft, fluffy ears of a cute koala, or the glittery, scratchy ears of a perfect pig.

Striking illustrations from Wee Gallery plus clever textures will excite the reader and help develop sensory and motor skills, and expand language skills. Bold, high contrast, colourful artwork will keep young children engaged and stimulated for hours on end, while encouraging key recognition and identification skills.

Also available in in the Wee Gallery Touch-and-Feel series are Tails, Scales and Wings.

Surya Sajnani 作者作品表

Duck and Friends: Watch me change colour in water! (Bath book)

Octopus and Friends: Watch me change colour in water! (Bath book)

Duck & Friends

Octopus & Friends

Frog and Friends: Watch me change colour in water! (Bath book)

Fish and Friends: Watch me change colour in water! (Bath book)

Frog and Friends

Fish and Friends

Peekaboo Pets (Rag book)

Peekaboo Jungle (Rag book)

Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Wings (Board book)

Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Ears (Board book)

Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Ears (Board Books)

Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Wings (Board Books)

Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Scales (Hardcover)

Wee Gallery Touch and Feel: Tails (Hardcover)

Wee Gallery Cloth: Peekaboo Ocean (Rag book)

Wee Gallery Cloth: Peekaboo Forest (Rag book)

Colour Me: Who's in the Ocean?: Baby's First Bath Book (Bath book)

Colour Me: Who's in the Water?: Watch Me Change Colour In Water (Bath book)

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