We Are the Song (Paperback)
作者: Catherine Bakewell 
分類: Children's / Teenage fiction & true stories ,
People & places (Children's / Teenage)  
書城編號: 25675200

原價: HK$130.00
現售: HK$123.5 節省: HK$6.5

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出版社: Holiday House Inc
出版日期: 2023/04/25
重量: 0.37 kg
ISBN: 9780823453375

A lush and beautiful fantasy set in a world where music is magic and the fate of many thrones lies with one girl...

Twelve-year-old Elissa has been raised in seclusion as a devotee of the Mother Goddess. She is a special child, a blessed child, a child who can sing miracles into being. Her voice can heal wounds, halt landslides, cure hunger--and even end wars.

But there are those who would use her gift for darker things. And when Elissa finds herself the farthest from home she's ever been--along with her vain and jealous music tutor, Lucio--she will have to develop the judgment to decide who wants to use her song to heal... and who wants to use her song to hurt.

"Unique."--The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
"Captivating."--School Library Connection
"Enthralling."--YA Books Central
"Alluring."--School Library Journal

Catherine Bakewell 作者作品表

Where Shadows Bloom (Hardcover)

Flowerheart (Paperback)

We Are the Song (Paperback)

Flowerheart (Hardcover)

Flowerheart (Compact Disc)

eBook: Flowerheart (DRM EPUB)

Flowerheart (MP3 CD)

We Are the Song (MP3 CD)

We Are the Song (Compact Disc)

eBook: We Are the Song (DRM EPUB)

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